Student influence
Mälardalen Student union’s main purpose is to work with student influence towards Mälardalen University. It is your right as a student to have your opinions represented in preparatory and decision-making bodies at the university. As a result, we appoint student representatives who have the main task of bringing other students’ voices to MDU’s councils.
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There are two formal ways of exercising student influence: course evaluation / program evaluation and student representation. Read more about student representation and what it means to be a student representative in the FAQ section.
We at the student union also help you pursue specific issues when it comes to your education.
Read the policy, goals and rules reagrding student influence here
If you have any questions regarding your assignment or other questions you can contact our head of education via e-mail:
Course evaluations
The most common way for you as a student to influence the university’s courses is through course evaluations. In the course evaluations, you can formally express your views on the courses you have studied and thus come up with suggestions for improvement and feedback. This gives you the opportunity to influence the content of the courses.
As a student, you have several rights when it comes to examinations. For example, an examination must be included in the syllabus for it to be valid, you have the right to take a re-examination in the event of a failed result and can apply to change the examiner if you have failed an assignment twice. You can read more about MDU’s examination rules here .
Course plan and course literature
In your course plan, it must be determined which examination elements are given in the course, how many points the course is worth and learning objectives that need to be met. In the syllabus there must also be a list of course literature which at MDU must be published no later than 3 weeks before the start of the course. Course plans are binding.
What is the Student Union?
Mälardalen Student Union is the official student union at Mälardalen University established to work with student influence. The union works like a “labour union” for students and collaborates with many parties such as the university, municipalities and companies to enhance your university experience. We are a non-profit organisation that has the students as the main drivers. The members of the student union decide which issues to pursue and what to work towards. The more members there are, the more impact and change we can make together.
What is Student Influence?
“Student influence refers to the influence that students in education at first-cycle, second-cycle and third-cycle level have the right to exercise over their education and study situation, in accordance with laws and regulations. The formal student influence at MDU comprises two parts: course evaluations/programme evaluations and student influence which is regulated by laws and regulation.” – Policy, goals and rules for student influence at Mälardalen University.
What Does a Student Representative do?
A student representative meets with students to gather input regarding their education and present these insights at a council with the university. A student can wish to be a representative in a program, academy or general council and each council can differ in terms of structure and frequency. It is important that a student representative gathers as much input as possible from various people and can communicate this to the university in a well-mannered way.
Why Should I Become Student Representative?
This is a great opportunity to gain valuable work experience that makes you stand out from your peers. This is your chance to not only engage yourself and help others but it’s a rich learning experience that will significantly enhance your future prospects. You will gain sought after soft-skills guaranteed to impress your future employers.
How Much Do You Work As a Student Representative?
The position as a student representative is developed to merge well with your studies that is why we estimate you to work around 20-25 hours per term. Most of your working hours will consist of attending council meetings, gathering input from students and attending the union’s SIEC meetings.
Do I get paid as a student representative?
As a member of the student union you will get paid 130 SEK per hour as a student representative. You do not have to be a member of the student union to become a student representative however, you will thereby not get compensated.
How Do I Become a Student Representative?
To become an official student representative you must apply through the student union only. Only the student union has the mandate to interview and appoint student representatives. To apply click the blue button below.
SR Handbook
Here you will find the handbook for student representatives (in English). Here are valuable tips and important information in your role as a student representative.
Note: the manual is a living document that is constantly updated, so it is important to look at it on more than one occasion.
SR Timereport
As a student representative and member of the student union, you earn SEK 130/hour as you carry out your assignment. To get paid for the time you spent on your assignment, you need to fill in and submit your time report to the education manager.
Download the time report for student representatives by clicking the button above.