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Work at the student union? The student union belongs to you, which means your involvement is priceless to us. You get some great experience, a whole lot of fun and a community with other dedicated students. There are several ways to get involved, and we’re always open to new ones.

Area Manager at Mälardalen Student Union

Last day to apply is April 17th.

As area manager at the student union, you are responsible for your area and carry out the work decided by the student union council and the student union board.

As an area manager, you will receive a fee that is paid monthly. It also includes wellness allowance,  right to keep your student housing while working for us. You will also get an increased network of contacts, new experiences and the possibility of references for your CV.

Vice chairman
Head of education
Head of study environment
Business manager
Event manager
Administrative staff
Job description towards common goals

Time period
You are the area manager and work full-time during an operating year, from July to June (Chairman and vice chairman work full time during three years) . You also have a two-week handover before you go on your mission.

It is a merit if you have studied at Mälardalen University, and if you are fluent in both Swedish and English.

To apply
Send your CV and personal letter to  Last day to apply is April 17th.
You do not need to apply for a specific role, but it can be discussed with the election board when interviewing which role would suit you.

The Student Union Council is mälardalen’s student union’s highest decision-making body

The Council decides on the student union’s overall activities e.g. business plan and budget. In addition, they choose who will sit on the student union board and the election board. There are two Student Union council meetings per year where decisions on the organization are made together with members. As President, you also attend board meetings once a month. The Vice-President and Secretary are welcome to attend board meetings and are understudy when the President is unable to attend. The Union Council also ensures that the student union board complies with the organization’s steering documents.

The assignment is non-profit and you who sit in the presidency are entitled an entrance card to the student union’s nightclub activities. You will also get an increased network of contacts, new experiences and the possibility of references for your CV.

There are three posts in the Presidency of the Student Union Council to apply for; secretary, vice-president and president.

Time period
You sit as a member during an operating year, from July to June.

You need to be fluent in Swedish and English.
To be a member of the Student Union Council, you must be a member of the student union.

To apply
You apply to the student union council by e-mailing In the email you will tell us which program you are studying and justify why you apply and how you can contribute to the organization. Also write a little about yourself.

Influence the union council

All members can also submit motions (proposals) to the student union council. These must be sent to the President no later than 21 days before the sitting. All members also have the right to attend meetings of the Student Union Council with the right of expression and claim.

Feel free to use the form here  if you want to write a motion.

The Student Union Board is the executive body of the Mälardalen Student Union

The Board ensures that decisions made during student union council meetings are implemented and they select suitable candidates for area managers at the student union. The Board meets once a month. It is also possible to sit on the disciplinary committee, student safety representative and faculty board. You will then be paid in fees of SEK 130/h for that work, just like a student representative.

The assignment is non-profit but entitles you to an entrance card to the student union’s nightclub activities. You will also get an increased network of contacts, new experiences and the possibility of references for your CV.

There are five vacancies as a member (student representative) of the student union board to be appointed.

Time period
You sit as a member during an operating year, from July to June.

You need to be fluent in Swedish and English.
To be on the board, you need to be a member of the student union.

To apply
You apply to the Student Union Board by e-mailing In the email you will tell us which program you are studying and justify why you apply and how you can contribute to the student union board. Also write a little about yourself.

The Election Committee is responsible for recruitment to the Mälardalen Student Union

As a member of the Election Committee, you have the task of receiving all applications for the student union council, the student union board, a new election board and area managers. The Electoral Committee conducts interviews with candidates for all posts and paid positions and then makes a recommendation to decision-making bodies.

The assignment is non-profit and as a member of the election board you will gain experience that can later be applied in recruitment and marketing. You will also get an increased network of contacts, new experiences and the possibility of references for your CV.

You can apply to be a member of the Electoral Committee.

The term of office runs from 1 January 2025 to 31 December 2025.
The work is mainly carried out during the spring when it is time to appoint the board, the council and paid employees, but there are also vacancies during the year and then it is the election board’s task to produce candidates for these.

You need to be fluent in Swedish and English.
You need to be a member of the student union to be part of the Election Committee.

To apply
send your CV and personal letters to  Interviews will take place on an ongoing basis.

Affect the quality of education at the university

As a student representative, you sit on councils and boards where decisions about your education are made. You then speak for the students in what is decided and have the opportunity to influence the improvement work of your programme, while at the same time gaining a greater insight into your own education.

As a student representative, you will be paid SEK 130 per hour if you are a member of the Student Union. You also get new experiences and the opportunity for qualifications for your CV.

Student representative

Time period
You can be a student representative for as long as you want. You will be asked every semester if you want to continue.

Be a student at Mälardalen University.

To apply
To become a student representative, fill out this form: Expression of interest, then the student influence manager will contact you.

Become part of the project team for Högvarv!

Högvarv in collaboration with Thesis and Degree Project days at MDU is the student union’s annual Labour market fair, which aims to bring together students with employers. It offers jobs, thesis projects, trainee programs and internships from nearly a hundred companies.

In order to be able to carry out Högvarv, we depend on committed students and alumni.

The fair will take place in October and February.

Get Involved and be a part of the Högvarv Job Fair Project Group!

Project Group

 Are you interested in project planning, working within a team and gaining hands-on experience? Join our team of volunteers and be a part of organizing the upcoming Högvarv Job Fair at MDU!

In order to be able to carry out Högvarv, we depend on committed students and alumni. The project group is responsible for planning and hosting Högvarv in collaboration with MDU Thesis days, where students have the chance to network with different companies and explore career opportunities. We’re a diverse team committed to making this event a success and enhancing the university experience for everyone.

What positions can you apply for?

  • Head of Logistics

Coordinate logistic part of Högvarv such as: handling of goods, placings, and booth setups.

  • Marketing Assistant

Help develop marketing strategies to promote Högvarv to students and companies by creating engaging promotional materials incl posters and social media content.

Collaborate with MDUs marketing department to maximize outreach.
  • Head of Company Hosts

Recruit and organize training sessions for company hosts.

Pair company hosts with companies based on field of study/ interest.

Prepare an on-the-day schedule for company hosts’ responsibilities, including allocated breakfast and lunch time slots.

Manage and allocate tasks for company hosts.

  • Administration Assistant

Provide administrative support to the project leader and other team members, including scheduling meetings, managing emails, and maintaining documents.

  • Head of Student Involvement

Develop strategies to increase student participation and engagement in the career fair.

Collect feedback from students

  • Project Assistant (Flexible Support)

Provide general support and assistance to all areas of the project group when needed.

Serve as a flexible resource to help fill gaps in staffing or address unexpected challenges.

Assist with tasks related to logistics, marketing, company hosts, administration, and student involvement.

  • Comapny host (during the fair)

As a company host, you help the companies on site during the fair. This is a great opportunity to get to know the companies better, and giving them a chance to get to know you. You welcome them in the morning and help them set up, and during the day you help them attract students to their booth.
You will receive training  by company host manager so that you feel secure in your role on the fair days. As a thank you for your commitment, you will receive a goodie bag, and diploma as well as reference and experience for your CV. Take the chance to get in close contact with your future employer.
Apply by emailing

Why Join Us?

  • Get hands-on experience in event planning, marketing, and project management.
  • Expand your network and build relationships with employers, alumni, and fellow students.
  • Enhance your CV with valuable experience while having fun and making a difference.


How to Get Involved:

Send an e-mail to Business relations manager to book an interview.

The student union communicates on several formats and reaches many people. Do you have a talent for text and design?

The union can offer assignments in text and design to those of you who wish to grow your portfolio, in both digital and print media. Your work will be published and printed in large numbers. If you are interested in contributing, get in touch with the student union’s communicator at