Our mission
Mälardalens Student Union is a member organization and acts as the official student union at Mälardalen’s University. Everyone who works at Mälardalen’s Student Union is or has been a student at Mälardalen’s University. Our mission is to conduct quality-assuring student influence work toward the University. Our goal is for the students’ and doctoral students’ time at Mälardalen’s University to be as good as possible. In other words, we want our work to make our members feel safer, freer, and part of a community.
Student influence
The student union’s main mission is to ensure that there is student influence at the Mälardalen’s University. This is to ensure the quality of all educations from a student’s perspective.
Since Mälardalen’s Student Union is the official student union at the university, it is our mission to represent all students at the university when decisions about education, study environment and other things related to the students’ situation are made. The student voice at the university is represented by all the student and doctoral student representatives who sit on various councils and committees. The student union’s paid area managers sit on some of these councils and committees.
Much of our influence work is preventative and we constantly ensure that good decisions are made at the University. Examples of things that we have implemented for the benefit of students are exam-free weekends, anonymous written exams, more departures with MDU’s bus between Eskilstuna and Västerås, the student and doctoral student ombudsman, better course evaluations and reminders for written exams.
Student life
Mälardalen’s Student Union wants to keep student life in Eskilstuna and Västerås living by creating many different types of events. We have a student union building in Västerås, called “Kårhuset G6”, that is a meeting place for all students at the university and which has a café run by the restaurant in the same building. As a student union member you of course have discounts at the café! In Eskilstuna, we have a student union building called “Kårhuset J3” where we run a café and pub, where members get discounts.
Our union houses are run by students for students!
Business relations
Mälardalen’s Student Union has its own labour market fair called Högvarv which is organized annually. At Högvarv, the business community and future employees meet. In other words, students are given a chance to make invaluable contacts for the future. Mälardalens Student Union is thus a contact point between education and the labor market. We also work with organizing contact-creating activities such as company meetings.